Create an Event
Events are the lifeblood of your brand. That's why POSH gives you the ability to customize your event pages like never before. Publishing an eye-catching event page on POSH takes just 3 minutes. Let's jump into it!
To get started, click "Create New Event +" on the Group Overview page.

Click on I want to sell tickets, which will take you to the next page to add the event details.

This page allows you to enter all the relevant event details. All boxes must be filled so that there is sufficient information on display for the attendees.

This next section is where you put your event description. You can add images, and make other specific changes to font size and alignment along the top section.

Here you Create your ticket types, adding the Ticket Price and quantity available for each ticket bracket. In the Advanced Settings, you can add various details to each ticket if needed such as Require Approval.

Once Ticket Types are created, add a Flyer and choose your Event Accent Color to really emphasize the theme of your event (You can also change the event theme to light-mode in Event Settings after publishing).

In this final section you the final touches to your event page. You can add your lineup, a Spotify song, a password, and a youtube video to enhance your event page to the full and make it stand out.

Publish your event and you'll see it on your Group Overview immediately.

To get started, click "Create New Event +" on the Group Overview page.

Click on This is a free event (just RSVPs)

Once you are through to the next section, where you input the relevant information into the event details boxes. Including a short description of your free event.

On this final page, you can again add the final touches to this extremely quick flow to get your free event published. Click Go Live! and your event will be posted in your group overview immediately.

You can view the mock event we made here:
Now that your event is live, it's time to click the pencil icon to navigate to the Event Dashboard and add further details like the Artist Lineup and Venue Photos to paint a full picture of the experience you're creating!