Event Dashboard

Event Settings


POSH gives you the ability to edit every aspect of your Event Pages, so you can easily portray the experience you're creating for your audience.

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You can click "Export Report" in the top right corner of this page to export a CSV file containing the Full name, Email, Phone Number, Instagram handle, and Order Details of every Attendee of the selected event.

Event Info

Event Title - The name of your event. Editing the Event Title does not affect the Event Link.

Start Time - The time and date the event will begin.

End Time - The time and date the event will end.

Display End Time - When activated, your event will display an end time. Otherwise, only the start time will be displayed.

Display Multiple days - When activated this will show the start and end date with no times.

Timezone - based on where your event is located you can choose the correct timezone to be displayed.

Event Title Font - Change the font of the Event Title.

Event Short Description - Add a one-sentence description of the event to give page visitors an overview of your experience before scrolling further.

Event Description - The full description of your event. You can add videos, images, links, and even embed code snippets.

Event Venue - The name of the venue where the event will take place.

Venue Street Address - The address of the venue where the event will take place.


Confirmation Message - Customize a message that appears on the confirmation page after Attendees purchase tickets.

Include Fees in Event Page Pricing - Click this button to show the total price of the Ticket Type + the POSH fee on the Event Page, rather than on the checkout page.

Long Form Add to Cart button - this will change the button text from a + to a "add to cart" text.

Checkout Submit Button - Customize the button Attendees click to complete their purchase.

Custom Checkout Fields - Your attendees will be prompted to fill out this field upon checkout. Examples of questions you may ask include, "How did you find out about this event?" or "How old are you?" You have the option to make this required or not.

Event Fees - Add any custom fee to your event, either as a percentage of the ticket or as a flat fee.

Legacy RSVP Flow - if would like your RSVP pages to look like your ticketed event pages turn this feature on.


Third-Party Site Display - Click this button to allow POSH to list your event on our partner websites.

Facebook Pixel ID - Enter any Facebook Pixel ID here to collect data on Event Page visitors, and re-engage those same visitors later with Facebook and Instagram Ads.

TikTok Pixel ID - Enter any TikTok Pixel ID here to collect data on Event Page visitors, and re-engage those same visitors later with TikTok ads.

Google Tag Manager ID - Enter any google tag manager ID here to collect data on Event Page visitors, and re-engage those same visitors later with Google ads.

QR code - this is a unique QR code to your event that will open your POSH Event URL, which you can use at the door to sell more tickets or make flyers.

New to digital ads? Contact us at [email protected] and our marketing team will reach out for a walkthrough of these tools!

Social Features

Disable Guestlist - A switch to disable the Instagram Guestlist from appearing on the Event Page. Attendees will still be asked to submit their Instagram, but their profile pictures will not appear on the Event Page if this button is clicked

Hide Number Attending - if you wish to hide the number of attendees coming to your event turn this feature on.

Guestlist Display Threshold - Enter a number into this field to disable the Instagram Guestlist until a selected number of Attendees purchase tickets.

Public Guestlist - Page viewers aren't required to be signed into a POSH account to view the guestlist

Activity enabled - allows you and your attendees to chat about the event in the activity section.


Password Protected Event Page - Click this button to make your Event Page strictly accessible with a password. This will hide the entire Event Page unless the site visitor enters a custom password.

Event Password - Enter any value to set your Event Page password.


Event Terms of Service - Attendees will be able to view your event’s Terms of Service upon checking out.


Enable multiple COVID-19 safety protocols to display on your event page.


Organization Display Name - Input your organization’s name here to be displayed differently on your event page than it normally is. This feature is perfect for collaborations or 1-off events with a different brand under your main group.

Organization Display Logo - Input your organization’s logo here to be displayed differently on your event page than it normally is.


Want attendees to purchase tickets without being redirected from your website? We got you covered! Just use the code provided on this page to embed the checkout flow onto your site. 

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Is there anything we should add to Event Settings? Contact us at [email protected]!